Turbo Liquidisers

Soups or purees?
The choice is yours.

For mixing, liquidising, reducing and emulsifying.
Precision and ease of use, also always guaranteeing great performance in a very short time.

Our Turbo Liquidisers - Emulsifiers TBE and TBF series can be used to mix, crush, mince, mix, reduce and emulsify any type of product in a container and immersed in transport fluid such as water. milk, broth, sauces, etc.
Thanks to the particular shape of the cutting tool, capable of creating a very regular and constant flow, the greater the quantity of the transport fluid, the better the result and the shorter the time required to complete the work. Built entirely in stainless steel and mounted on a stainless steel trolley equipped with wheels.
It can be adapted to the most varied shapes of containers (round, rectangular, flat and rounded etc) as they are easily adjustable in height before commissioning by the installer and can be oriented in all directions without the slightest effort by the operator during daily use. Available with electronic speed variator able to grant a working speed between 800 and 1700 rpm. The use of accessories allows an even finer and more homogeneous emulsion, difficult to reach with any other product available on the market.
Our Turbo Liquidisers - Emulsifiers TBE series is easy to use and is equipped with a programmable electronic speed variator with variable speed between 500 and 1400 rpm. The TBF Turbo Liquidisers - Emulsifiers series are easy to use and come in two version: 1 speed motor 1400 rpm or 2 speeds ...