Our Turbo Liquidisers - Emulsifiers TBE series is easy to use and is equipped with a programmable electronic speed variator with variable speed between 500 and 1400 rpm. The TBF Turbo Liquidisers - Emulsifiers series are easy to use and come in two version: 1 speed motor 1400 rpm or 2 speeds motor 1200/1700 rpm.
Due to their flexibility which allows them to move in all directions, simply by orienting the head without moving the support on wheels. They can work directly in pots and food containers up to 700 liters of capacity.
They guarantee a considerable saving of time and a perfect result able to satisfy every particular need. They are equipped with a safety system that to put them into action only in the correct working position and a knife protection ring in the working head. They are therefore built in full compliance with the main current safety regulations.

  • Its extraordinary sturdiness and right sizes make them an useful and functional machine. Especially because it’s heavy duty and it can be operated as long as necessary.
  • The materials used are particularly resistant and for this reason it’s also indicated for large restaurants and agri-food industries.
  • The belt drive system makes it functional and easy and economic to maintain. In fact, this kind of transmission, acting as a clutch, guarantees additional safety against the accidental presence of hard or metal objects and bones, etc. in the working container.
  • It also prevents liquids from rising along the tool, reaching and damaging the motor.
  • In the event of breakage, it’s easy and cheap to replace.
  • This devices is therefore able to find the right use even in particularly humid or saline environments. At the same time it’s easily washable and able to withstand the action of the most common detergents.
  • The particular shape of the cutting tool allows a perfect crushing job due to the vortex that itself creates in the container.
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